澳门足彩app Senior Project Director Denise Muth will lead a roundtable discussion titled “Self-Care in the 建设 Industry” at this week’s 开创性的建筑业女性会议 在旧金山.



澳门足彩app's Denise Muth will lead the 'Self-Care in the 建设 Industry' roundtable during the 开创性的建筑业女性会议.


Denise Muth was a single mother starting her climb up the construction ranks before anyone had seen a laptop or a cell phone at a job site. 你可以想象,她的经验教训档案有好几卷.

Muth,高级项目总监 哈斯克尔医疗保健建筑市场, 将从30多年的发现中汲取什么, stories and resources this week when she leads a roundtable discussion titled “Self-Care in the 建设 Industry” during the 开创性的建筑业女性会议 在旧金山.


“我有一页又一页的笔记,我必须缩小范围,”她说. “It was just the memories and the laughs and the tears and thinking about how technology has changed things. 我刚开始的时候还是个单身妈妈. 没有笔记本电脑, 没有手机, not having the ability to do things after I put my daughter to bed and having to go to the job site to do work on paper. 科技改变了整个行业, 然而,其他一些东西仍然有点过时.”

女性约占10%.占建筑专业人员的9%,而且这个数字还在增长. 性别偏见有所改善,但依然存在. 在她设想的高度互动的会议上,平等和公平将被提上日程. 她还将谈到内部韧性等话题, 毅力, 组织能力和专注力.

“我从来没有真正放弃过‘我是女人’这面旗帜,”穆特说. “I’ve always just tried to be a really damn good project manager or project director who happens to be a woman. 我认为这可能导致或帮助了我的成功. 的re were things in how I handled myself that served me and things that I honed that helped me become who I am.”

的 experiences she gained climbing from a role in project accounting into and through the project management ranks to the project executive level coalesced into the following list, 她会在治疗过程中分享什么.


  1. 黄金法则管用.
  2. 你不能委托别人照顾你自己. 涂防晒霜(说真的).
  3. 在变灰之前先了解黑与白(规则).
  4. 注意棒棒糖(和反棒棒糖)的时刻.
  5. 记录你的经历,成就,成就. 你需要知道并记录你所做的事情.
  6. 你不是高高在上的——以身作则——出汗,弄断指甲.
  7. Celebrate and enjoy the successes; look for them every day. 另一方面,不要让一件坏事毁了你的一天(她对自己说).
  8. 从别人的角度考虑问题. 学习他们如何接近、预测和尊重.
  9. 别抱怨了. 如果可以的话,做点什么.

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入为20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,高度专业化, 内部设计, 工业和商业市场的建筑和管理专业人员. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

Promoting and expanding 多样性 and inclusion is a strategic pillar of 澳门足彩app的 long-term vision and is foundational to creating a team member experience of significance, 成功与满足. 澳门足彩app在一起 is our intentional and consistent initiative to promote open dialogue and bring about positive change.

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